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Key differences between Functional Testing and Non-Functional Testing
Software testing is a process that verifies and validates an application to and provides a robust, error-free, functionally correct, secure, and high-quality end product. Ideally, the testing process should be efficient, cost-effective, and resource-friendly. To achieve that, it is imperative... READ MORE
Performance Testing Types & Metrics
Performance testing is a non-functional testing technique that exercises a system and then , measures, validates and verifies the response time, stability, scalability, speed and reliability of the system  in production-like environment. It may additionally identify any performance bottlenecks and potential crashes when... READ MORE
Shift Left Performance Testing
Performance testing is a non-functional testing to identify performance bottlenecks and to find any possible conditions that may lead to potential crashes when the software is subjected to extreme testing conditions in a production-like environment. This article will explain you... READ MORE
The Do’s and Dont’s of Performance Testing
In today’s competitive world, the decisive factor for an application is the “end-user experience”. An application may be built by a competent team and may incorporate interesting features, may have a good UI, but it all will be of no... READ MORE
Is load testing stressful for you?
Holidays - It is that time of the year when everybody travels to be with family. Online ticketing portals are under heavy load due to rampant booking. What if a site crashes during an ongoing transaction due to excessive traffic... READ MORE
Top 6 Ways to Boost Mobile App Testing
Challenges are part and parcel of our daily lives. Eventually, what matters most is the way we deal with them. There are a  plethora of challenges when it comes to mobile testing. But what differentiates better companies with the mediocre... READ MORE
Top 5 Performance Testing Mistakes
Performance testing is a non-functional testing technique that exercises a system and then, measures, validates and verifies the response time, stability, scalability, speed, and reliability of the system in a production-like environment. It also identifies any performance bottlenecks and potential crashes when the... READ MORE

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